Server Rules

1) FivePD (Leo Player VS. AI) Can play State-Wide FiveOD is a script allowing players to play as a cop vs. AI civilians. If you are playing FivePD opposed to Roleplaying with other player, you are not bound by the AOP (Area of Play) 2) Never Break Immersion; RP it Out, Don't be Jank. Keep your Roleplaying realistic, Detailed, and interesting. Be creative, and be respectful of the other players rileplaying around you. Unrealistic actions such as GTA Driving at Mach 3 speeds (EVEN IF YOUR CAR CAN DO 200MPH DOESNT MEAN DO 200MPH), abusing GTA Physics, talking while dead, or as an animal ped, etc. will NOT BE TOLERATED. Cop Baiting and NITRP(No Intent to Roleplay) are both server violations under this rule. 3)Treat you character like a real person

Show emotion, have a personality. Develop a backstore for your character. Treat your character like you would treat yourself in the real world; have a sense of respect for your character. Use emotes, amd make your character believable. Consider useing businesses and realistic clothing / vehicles to match your characters story and personality. 4) Sexual RP is Tolerated; Rape RP IS NOT Sexual RP is allowed - however it must be consensual between players and it must be kept in private. Sexual RP will not be tolerated in the Chatbox. Rape RP is not tolerated and will be met with permanent removal from the server 5) Out-Of-Character (OOC) Disrespect & Toxicity is not tolerated out of roleplay, player to player disrespect is not allowed. If you are caught in text or voice chat you will be delt with accordingly by staff 6) Trolls, modders, and exploiters

YOU WILL BE BAN GO FUCK YOURSELF 7) Voice Changers & Soundboards These are allowed if used realistically. for example your a male playing as a female character you can change your voice to sound higher like a female. Sound boards are not allow unless playing realistic effects within an rp scene. Example: Glass breaking Changing your voice to sound like a robot or demon or just something stupid with NITRP will result in a ban 8) Impersonating Staff / Lying to a Staff member You will be ban theres no point in explaining this. We have logs of everything you do. Dont Lie and dont Impersonate a staff member 9) Abuse of power by staff or Dept. Command is not tolerated We strive to ensure that this never happens however if it does please come to the owners by creating a ticket within the discord system and have proof. Video proof is prefered (Using can really help with these issues) 10) Advertising or promoting other servers is NOT ALLOWED Ingame or on discord if you advertise another server this is an instant perm ban. No ifs ands or buts. 11) RDM, VDM, Forced RP, Meta-Gaming is Not Allowed Random Deathmatch, Vehicular Deathmatch are the acts of killing people with zero roleplay behind it. Forced RP is defined as forcing a player into a ituation against their will or outside of naturally occurring situations. Meta-Gaming is defined as using information ingame that you know even if your character couldnt possibly know . these are grounds for removal from the community 12) Fear RP is not enforced This rule refers back to rule #3: Treat your character like a real person. Show fear in dangerous situation if its apart of your characters personality. Your not required to be scared everytime theres a danger though. 13) 100k or die is a ban offence If you go up to a random civ and point a gun at them demanding money or they die you will be ban. This is not a 100k or die server. This is not allowed what so ever (Unless there is actual RP Story behind it) 14) Safe Zones All Police Departments, FIre Departments, Hospitals, SADOT Areas are considered Safe Zones. Meaning no Criminal RP in this area is allow. No shooting, no stealing, nothing. PASSIVE RP Only 15) Revive vs Respawn If you die in an RP scene you are to Respawn back at main Spawn point as a new character. Your not allowed to reingage in the same RP Scene in which you died in If you die in an RP scene but you state your shoulder was shot or you were shot in the foot you can Revive and have EMS take you to the hospital.

16) New Life Rule If your Character was killed you may NOT return to the scene as the same character. Additionally if you return to the scene or interact with people who were around when your character was killed you may not use any information about the scene as there is no way this new character would know what is going on. 17) Handcuffs If your in handcuffs you cant do SHIT! You cant swap seats you cant drive a car, At most you can run on foot that it this falls under rule 18 18) Common Sense If you dont have common sense you may want to ask someone who does if what your about to do is ok because you might get ban. Dont be a dumb fuck. These rules will continuously be updated

Last updated