Training - Tier 1
Training - Civilian Beginner
To set up Civilian Tier 1 training you would need to do the following things.
Load into the training server and spawn yourself in as a LEO character.
Get yourself a LEO transport capable car.
Check if all trainees are present and if so set their training roster to civ tier 1. Non-Staff Trainers: ***If a trainee fails for whatever reason remember to set their training roster back to untrained***
Move all trainees to the civilian training channel in Discord.
*All setup needs to be completed before the training starts.
The first part of the training will focus on the inner workings of the CAD. Direct all the trainees to
and make sure that everyone attending is completely logged into the cad before continuing with the training. Once everyone is fully logged in and can see the CAD we are going to go over all the sections that are important to know as a civilian. remember most members are completely new to the cad and they need to be familiarized with it. Go over the following sub menus.
Submit feedback. Briefly go over how and why you should submit feedback and what kind of feedback you can submit (Player and Community). ex. You saw a member clearly violating a policy <player, You would like to see leo only ride with blue lights <community
Submit a bug/dev request. Briefly go over why and when you should file a bug or dev request and explain the difference between them.
LOA request. Make the trainees aware of the 30 day activity requirement and explain to them if they are not able to uphold that they could file for an LOA.
Member commendation form. Make the trainees aware they have the ability to praise other players publicly via this form and that if they submit one it will get shown in our discord #commendation channel
Briefly point out to the members the links to the civilian sop, civilian business, weapon and vehicle structure. Inform them that the easiest way to access them in game is via these links in the cad. Also point out the In-Game commands list and inform the trainees that in this list they can find all the animations that are activated via the text chat.
*Note if for some reason the trainee does not have access to character creation you most likely forgot to set their training roster correctly.
When Part 1 is fully completed it is now time to load into the training server. Before doing so make sure that all trainees have their Steam nickname set to their community name with the correct format (Ex. Adam A. 100). This is the time you need to set the whitelist for server 3 to on for each trainee. Have the trainees connect to the training server do so by having them use F8 and then type in connect and wait for them all to load in. Once everyone is fully loaded, go through the process of the /char command and inform them to select the character they just created.
*Explain why it is important to select a character before hopping into the main server, as it is an important detail not to leave out.* -Shoot them in the face. We do this to show them how to use the revive script on others as well as themselves. (If the trainee has “God Mode” enabled, inform them to deactivate it, not to have it on the server at all, then proceed on). - Check with the trainees if the following v-menu settings are correct. > Player related options > Player options - Godmode Off (if they failed the bullet to the head test) - Unlimited Stamina On - Never wanted On - Everyone ignore player On > Misc Settings
- Respawn as default MP character On
- Restore player appearance On
- Finally check if there if their ingame voice is working correctly (default key is N) If their ingame doesn’t work follow this troubleshooting guide (***link is a Live Document, it is not solidified***) Once everyone has their settings and voice working all trainees have to spawn in a Sedan via the v-menu. Make sure to mention that the car they choose has to be allowed per their vehicle structure. (vehicle related options > vehicle spawner > designated category). Once they have their car spawned have them change the licence plate via the v-menu (vehicle related options > vehicle options > change license plate text) *Remind trainees the plates should not be provocative under any circumstance such as IRL political discussions, derogatory terms, and any inappropriate topics/names included.*
When all trainees have their license plate changed have them register the car via /regveh. This is also the time to explain that they as a tier 1 can have only 2 registered car per character. Once all trainees have their car registered, take them back to the cad. Inform the trainees they can either Alt+Tab to go to their web-browser to access the CAD, or they can go to the CAD through Steam by pressing shift+tab and opening the Web-browser. Once in the CAD, go to the civilian government page, click on the previous created character and explain how to delete a car and also what the checkboxes for insurance and registration are for (rp usage togglable at will). Also, if they want the CDL license, they have to click in order to legally drive any heavy vehicle such as a bus, tow truck, semi-truck, etc. At this time ask if anyone has any questions about any of the things mentioned above. If not, you may proceed on with the rest of training.
Part 3: Traffic Stop Practice
***Note all verbal rp happens in the game at this point. We use Discord for telling the trainees useful information and tips on how to make their RP better. If the trainees have questions or have done something wrong, please utilize Discord so everyone is aware of what is going on.***
Have all the trainees delete their cars (with the exception of one) by using the /dv command, then have all trainees then pile into the leftover car. When everyone is in one car, have them follow you (the main trainer) to the intersection off Panorama Drive and East Joshua Road. Your assistant at this point goes to set up for radar at the Marina Drive and East Joshua Road intersection. While the assistant is setting up, you are going to tell the trainees to do a standard traffic stop by informing the trainees via the ingame voice chat. Inform them to simply commit an infraction such as speeding, passing on the left, etc. Then have them pull over once they hear sirens and see lights and explain why they must pull over once they hear sirens and see lights. After explaining why, also inform them how to operate windows, use the /me command and how to give their ID’s (especially when there is more than one trainee in the vehicle).Once you told the civs what to do it is time to send them towards the awaiting cop. (eastbound on east joshua road). If everything went well, you will end up with your assistant pulling over the car filled with trainees. Ideally the assistant waits a minute or 2 before he gets out of his vehicle. This is the perfect time to tell the trainees about the stuff a cop needs to do before he can come talk to the people he pulled over (running plate, backup, calling in etc) We tell the trainees this so that they are aware that a traffic stop requires some patience as well as they do not put the cops on edge or give them indications to escalate the scene because it may lead to being out-of-tier. At this point the traffic stop should be going naturally and almost act like an “in-server” scene. It is your job as the trainer to ensure they are utilizing /me’s, answering questions, and overall staying within your tier.
*If any signs of going out-of-tier happen, immediately stop the scenario, address the issue, then proceed as normal. If the occurrence happens more than once, pull the trainee aside privately and remove them from the training.*
After the scene concludes, reset everyone back to where they were. For the second traffic stop you again are going to give the trainees a scene to enact out. Use your imagination when it comes to this scene as long as it has the following parameters. - They have some sort of criminal intent - Whatever it is you let them do it will need to end with them all being arrested and going to jail.
- They need to get pulled over.
Be sure to have them try to come up with the scene, but guide them in their choices (this does not mean you give them the scene.) and be sure it is within their Tier level. Also at this time, inform them of identifying /me’s and /ooc’s, respond /me with a /me and a /ooc with a /ooc, as well as have one member be in-charge of the /ooc for the entire vehicle.
For a second time, once the trainees have their scene secured and all parts are known, have them go down East Joshua Road again towards your assistants radar spot, where they will need to get pulled over again. When they are pulled over, you as the trainer are there to watch and check if they are doing their /me’s, check if their rp is within tier, etc. When needed, you can also act as a secondary officer while the scene is carrying on. *** Note sometimes it is needed to powergame the situation to make sure everyone gets arrested but only do this when truly needed. When used, explain to the Civs once they are arrested that you did powergame them for training purposes.*** Once all trainees are detained or arrested by you or your assistant, you are then going to search their car. Do this via /ooc even if all of the trainees are closeby. We do this to explain the /ooc script to them. Once this is explained, do watch if the trainees use it properly. When the scene is done, transport all the trainees to the sandy station and put them behind bars.
Once you have your trainees locked behind bars. You will need to explain to them the following.
Explain that once they are behind bars or in prison. All shenanigans Stop. This includes fighting, resisting, hurting yourself, failing to identify, etc.
Explain that once they are behind bars cops will have various options to identify them (Ex. fingerprints), once that happens, they need to provide their actual ID at this time.
Explain the process of booking a subject and how they will notice they are being transported to jail (aka being teleported when the /arrest script is used).
Explain how to serve jail time and that they can switch characters if they don’t want to serve the time at that moment.
Explain to them the existence of d-synch and how that works with jail doors. (if a door doesn’t move it is locked even if that door is wide open. Since this is most likely caused by d-synch)
*Do explain to them if they are caught with a character that has a jail sentence on-going, it will result in an automatic Prison Break, which will result in a Priority response and is considered out-of-tier.*
Finally explain to them that cops have 15 IRL minutes to process them starting from the time they are put behind bars. However, this rule has some exceptions.
If they are in prison still answering /ooc or /me about the scene they were in, the cops are still investigating hence the timer doesn't start.
If a cop puts them in a prison cell on hold for a CIU detective or interrogation the timer does not start.
If the civ does anything that disrupts the cop from processing the timer stops and restarts from the moment the cop dealt with that situation.
At this point in the training you will have to have your trainees tab out of the game and look at Discord (specifically the patrol channels located under FiveM Rooms). Explain each of the channels to them and what their use is.
Server 2: ON (Serious Patrol)
Indicate to your trainees that everything below this has all the same channels. and tell your trainees that all these channels have the same rules as just explained. But do mention that if they are wanting to RP in server 2 they have to be in these channels instead of the server 1 channels and vica versa.
AOP see channel description > Have the trainees click on this channel and look at the description of this channel. In here they will find what the AOP of the day is and there is also a link to the patrol map showing the border in between AOP’s. (Inform trainee’s to review the map in their free time.)
Private Frequency - Mainly used for 10-1’s, do not enter while it is in use.
911 calls - Active Dispatch or LEO will pull you to “answer” your 911 call or try a 911 call-back. You may answer in character if you wish to do so, but please remain professional at all times. It is considered a “recorded line”.
Emergency Services Radio Frequency - On-Duty Emergency Services and Dispatch may only enter this channel. You may sit in there with the *listening* tag, but you cannot be in-game and you must have your microphone muted.
Tac-1 - On-Duty Emergency Services and Dispatch may only enter this channel. Tac-2 - On-Duty Emergency Services and Dispatch may only enter this channel. Do mention that we do not have police-scanners as civilians, if you are caught up there, it will result in disciplinary action from Civilian CoC.
Civilian (Coordination Only)
Explain to the trainees that they have to be in this channel while in server (advice to be in there before loading in) If they are not in this channel while in server it will lead to a whitelist removal. *In the wrong TS channel and in-server will lead to a 24 hour whitelist removal.* *Not on TS and in server will lead to a 48 hour whitelist removal*
Explain RTO and what this means. RTO stands for radio traffic only. What this means for civilians is that civilian coordination should not be treated as General Lobby. All the players there are roleplaying and are most likely trying to have conversations in game or even recording. This means that when we talk on this channel our messages need to be short and to the point. Some examples are - Asking what AOP is. “Hey what is AOP today?” - Asking for help. “Hey, is anybody able to help me on this scene?”
-Coordinating. “Hey planning to use 2 cops are they free right now” Please stress the coordination part as this is the channel's name after all and the main reason why we are in this channel. Short and Long term Scenario Planning
The name says it all for this channel, scenario planning. Civs should only be in here if they are planning a scene and it is not to be used as a hangout channel. When Civs want to plan a scene, they are free to join any of these and plan their scene. When their planning is done, they are to hop back to Civilian Coordination and play out their scene. If for whatever reason more coordination or planning is needed, they can hop back briefly in these channels. Also make sure you explain the maximum allowed time for these channels
(short term 10 minutes, long term 30 minutes). Priority Coordination
Explain to the trainees that this channel is for tier 3 when they are doing a priority since priorities usually need a lot of coordination these channels are usually occupied a bit longer. Also make sure that you tell the trainees that it is okay to be in this channel if they are invited to a priority.
This channel should only be used for in character phone calls. For example, John Doe handed me a business card in-game and 5 minutes later I dial the number on the call. “Ring, ring John D. 999” gets answer “hop to phone frequency”
LEO CIV Communication Channel
This channel is used for LEO to communicate with civilians. For instance a cop got your cell phone number during an investigation and is now trying to actually call you.
If you or any of your trainees need a break at this point this is the time to do so. Make sure to mention to them to be back in time (5 minutes). If the trainees do not need a break and all agree to no break, you may continue with the training.
Part 7: Self-Defense and Firearm Usage
Once everyone is confirmed back from their break, there are a couple of things you have to run by them before you start the 911 Script Explanation.
Have the trainee’s enter the command /ciu (this command will have them equip a combat pistol and flashlight).
Once they have inputted the command, have them briefly take out the firearm to show you they have indeed entered the command, then have them put it away for the time being. You will then show them how to equip other pistols using the VMenu. (Player Related Options > Weapon Options > Handguns > *Select whichever firearm approved for Tier 1* > Equip/Remove Weapon).
Once you have informed the trainees on how to choose their own firearms, have all trainee’s equip the pistol from the /ciu command (Combat Pistol) and once it is in their hand, have them register the weapon by using /regwep. Then proceed to open up CAD and walk them through exactly how to get rid of a firearm, mark or take away the CCW option and so forth. *It is important to mention that the CCW option must be on even if Civ’s are just wanting a gun permit. The CCW acts as a weapons permit and if not selected, it will result in your character most likely catching a charge and even possibly losing their license as well.*
After they have successfully registered their firearm, inform them that if they lose their CCW, they cannot have a firearm on them anymore nor can they claim self-defense as them having a weapon prior, they are already committing a crime, which for Tier 1’s will be out of tier.
Once any sort of presence of Emergency Services arrive on a scene, you must complete the following steps: - Do not reach or make any movements towards a firearm through /me, /ooc, verbally or in-game commands. This will result in an automatic suspension or full removal of this perk. - Before a conversation ensues, inform them that you have a firearm on your person or in the general vicinity of you (such as a vehicle, home, etc). - You must comply with the commands of any emergency services personnel on-scene during this time. No exclusions of this at any point.
*If you have a subject at gunpoint and Law Enforcement show up on scene, you must then comply with whatever orders they give you, whether you have placed a 911 call saying you are the one stopping the crime in progress or whatever the circumstance is.*
Part 8: 911 Script Explanation and Free Practice Build Up - Tell the trainees the upcoming plan that they are going to come up with a scene suited to a tier 1 together.
Make the trainees aware of the cardinal question they need to ask themself before commencing a scene which is “Will the cops responding feel in danger?”
If the answer is no to the question above, there is no problem. However if the answer is yes they need to reconsider their scene. Take this opportunity to tell the trainees they can reach out to Civilian COC and/or the Civilian mentors (name the mentors), and that they can help them make that scene tier 1 proof. That way people don’t necessarily have to scrap a scene or think there is nothing they can do.
Inform the trainees that the following scenes can happen but sparingly. These scenes are Cop stalking, Vulgar RP and sovereign citizen/karen scenes.
Inform the trainees of the AOP for this particular exercise. Which is going to be central Sandy (refer to the picture below).
After the above is explained, take a moment and teach the civs how to get emergency assets to their scene. This is done via the /911 script. Explain to them that they have to select a call that most coincides with the call they are doing. (example. stealing a vehicle would be Car Robbery) Also explain to them the use of the operator call and that this will automatically make a call for them to be pulled by dispatch where they can verbally do a 911. Make sure to tell them to only use this if there is a dispatcher on in Server, otherwise cops will not be able to go to your call. When they have the proper call selected, they are then met by a textbox in which they need to type their call. When doing so they have to be aware of the following things:
Firstly, their description of the call should be detailed and in tier. The key questions when placing a 911 call are as followed: “What is happening?” “Where is it happening?” “How many people are involved?”
Be sure that you provide an example of what should be in a call, such as “Hey, there is a fight going on at the Sandy Shores 24/7 and 2 guys are beating each other up.”
Explain that a call should be worded like this, due to the /911 script pulls the closest address in the server and it sometimes may not be where you are currently, it tells what kind of assets are needed, and it is something that remains in your tier. Then provide an example of a call that would risk them going out of tier, such as: “Hey I hear these very loud pops near me they sound like gunshots send help quick.” When in reality they are roleplaying a vehicle with a broken exhaust. This can lead to a priority related scenario, which if not careful, can lead to an out-of-tiered situation.
Before releasing the trainees to do their own scenarios, remind them of the in-game commands list, vehicle structure and weapon structure and to utilize those assets while preparing for their scenes. You must briefly go over the /startsmoke and /stopallsmoke commands and ensure that the trainees are aware of when to and not to use those scripts. At this point, it is time to set the trainees free and let them do their own scene. Make sure you have every trainee put in a 911 for the first scene to make sure they understand the 911 script. In this portion of the training the trainees are on their own and they are making their own scene. You and your assistant are going to respond to these calls as you would do in the actual server. This is meant to be legitimate RP and this exercise will showcase if they understood everything you explained to them as well as if they have read the SOP. With that in mind, this is also the part of the training that we as trainers have to be more vigilant on the trainees behaviour. When you notice a trainee having trouble earlier in the training with certain things, bring these things back in the free practice. For example a trainee has trouble answering /me’s so in the scene that they do you will be heavier than usual with the /me’s to make sure they are understanding the earlier explanations. If a trainee comes up with a really intricate scene that normally would take a lot of investigation and time on the server, you are okay to cut this short or rush it along for training time purposes. However, always explain this to the trainee so that they understand why they get the response you are giving them. After the scene has concluded, you are going to send the civs out one more time but this time, they must have a scene that has to end up with at least one person going to hospital.
When you teleport the trainee to the hospital during the last scene, do this for 30 seconds regardless of the injuries and immediately put a LEO hold on said person. This is the moment where you are going to explain to all trainees the importance of the hold. Inform them that whenever they see this after being hospitalised, they need to stay wherever they spawn out. Explain to the trainees, they do not have to stand there indefinitely, however the cops have 15 minutes to pick them up from the hospital (Same as being charged in jail). After those 15 minutes are over the civ is free to walk, however within these 15 minutes the civ has to inform the cops at least 3 times that they are available for pickup via /ooc (a reminder when they first get out, 5 minutes later, 10 minutes later, then at the 15 minute mark, they may leave). If they have done all that they are free to walk away from the hospital, but keep in mind if they are walking away and a cop rolls up they have to stop since that cop is most likely there for them.
*Trainers must also explain that they must use consideration when waiting for the LEO hold, example being if 10 people were sent to the hospital, cut them some slack and wait a bit longer.*
After the second scene is wrapped up and all the above is explained. Have your trainees gather at the Sandy Sheriff Station. When everyone is there, take your assistant apart and review the scenes and general training with them. It is at this time you collectively decide whether the trainees passed or not. If someone didn’t pass, pull them aside in a different channel and explain why they didn’t pass. Never do this in front of other trainees, if it is found that you have done this, not only will the trainee be allowed to pass, but your trainer status will be put into question and you may lose it. You will assign them all the designated roles and tag on Discord.
Important links and Disclaimer
*Disclaimer, you as a trainer are fully within your right to remove a trainee from your training if his/her behaviour or lack of knowledge grants for a removal of the training. This is a judgement call made on a case by case basis and each will be reviewed. If you remove someone from your training, always note this at the end of the training post in the trainers channel in discord.
In addition to the disclaimer statement, by becoming a Civilian Trainer, you are to adhere to Civilian Policies and rules. Do not provide outside or extra information that is not pertaining to this document during the training. If found doing so, your trainer status will come into question and possibly removed from the head trainer. Useful links. Civ-SOP
Last updated