S.W.A.T - Training Guide

Training - Special Response Team (SRT)

This document belongs to Chaos Gaming Network

** The trainer reserves the right to remove any member from training for any reason. **

** The removed member will need to wait until the next training to retry. **

SRT training guide

  • Congratulations and introduction to SRT

  • Review SOP (NOTE: be sure to ask all trainees questions throughout, to ensure understanding of the major points)

  • Remind them of the very high standards that the division keeps.

  • You are permitted to run supervisor, but not required. You may not approve your own supervisor requests.

  • Current Commander:

  • Current Trainers:

  • Current subdivisions:

Ingame Training


  • Go over the uniforms per uniform structure.

  • Have them spawn in the BearCat. (BEAR01)

  • No joy riding.

  • If they’re not trained; they can’t drive it (moving it to get it out of the way is fine).

  • Go over some details of the BearCat, limitations, and proper usage.

  • Fast for its size, but slow to stop and bad handling at speed.

  • Armored, but the peep hole in the turret cover can be shot through.

  • Can hang off the sides, for fast deployment.

  • All needed gear is securely stored in the bearcat, and is restocked regularly.

  • Go over limitations when patrolling as an officer/backup SRT.

  • The only SRT specific gear you have as a normal patrol officer is the vest. If you are back up SRT, if you are available, and near to the incident, you may put it on once on scene.

  • This doesn’t mean you can’t use your training or knowledge (if it is your SRT officer)

  • How to notify dispatch that you are backup SRT. (234-S to Dispatch ((Wait for call back)) Show me 10-41 10-8 backup SRT).

Going active or inactive as SRT.

  • How to properly notify dispatch. (234-S to dispatch ((wait for call back)) Show me active SRT TAC TEAM (1,2,3) Change call sign to Z in TS, and mark yourself in CAD.

  • You can only go active TAC (full gear) at the station or when the BearCat is on scene. If the BearCat isn’t needed, then meet up at the closest station to the scene and gear up.

  • When deactivating the team lead (234-Z to dispatch ((Wait for call back)) show TAC TEAM (1,2,3) standing down at this time.) You would remain a Zulu during this. At this time; you would collect gear, give statements, and bodycams. Then, return all gear to the BearCat and/or to the station. The person who drove the BearCat returns it to the station for refuel and restock.

  • Once all gear, statements, and evidence is turned in to scene command or X-ray unit; they are to return to their respective units (RRT, normal uniform, ect.) and inform dispatch they are back 10-8 as what their previous call sign was prior to switch.

Going active or inactive as RRT.

  • How to properly notify dispatch. (234-S to dispatch ((wait for call back)) Show me active RRT. Mark yourself in CAD, and mark yourself in TS as Zulu RRT. (234-Z *RRT*)

  • Only two officers may go RRT at any time. Whether it be two cars or one.

  • UM5/UM, only natural factory standard colors. (Don’t stick out like a sore thumb)

  • Standard LEO loadout (with the certain restrictions of SRT)

  • No MP5 that's only from the station or the BearCat.

  • No Spikestrips: No room since you have riot gear in the trunk and/or marksman rifle.

  • No Roadblocks: Not enough lighting on the unmarked cars.

  • They are to patrol around known “Hot Spots” or areas that have a high tendency of shots fired, or a known VIP in the area. TEU has primary and control over VIP’s only get involved at their request, or if none are available, otherwise keep an ear out for any issues.

Services Overview

  • Heavily armed perimeter assistance during hostage negotiations.

  • You are there to provide a tactical option.

  • It can be deployed to assist with any type of armed robbery where there is a significant risk to officer or public safety.

    • You are there to provide a tactical option

  • Can assist CIU with operations, execution of search, no knock, and takedown warrants.

    • Normal breach tactics apply.

    • Follow the orders of the Team Lead, and the Team Lead follows the orders of the detective in charge of that scene.

  • Can be deployed as a tactical option, to make entry into buildings with unknown occupants or hazards.

  • Riot and crowd control support.

    • You are there to provide support for the units already handling the situation.

  • Overwatch.

    • Sniper incidents

    • High risk calls

    • Active shooters

    • Hostage situations

  • Active shooters

    • Heavily armed perimeter assistance

  • Barricaded suspects

    • Heavily armed perimeter assistance

    • Breach team

  • Counter terrorism

    • Heavily armed perimeter assistance

    • Breach team

    • Tactical assist

  • VIP/VIC protection

    • TEU has priority on VIP/VIC escort duties, we can assist only if asked, or do it ourselves if TEU is not available.

    • You are to protect the convoy from interference. Rules of engagement apply.

  • Armory supervision, and transport of Items to be destroyed

    • All weapons from the armory need to be signed out for valid reasons, (patrol duty, official operations). There is to be an officer there at all times, and the door locked so no unauthorized entry may occur.

    • Transport of Items to be destroyed are to be treated like any normal high risk convoy, and follow the VIP/VIC protection protocols.

Weapon loadouts and Usage

  • Standard LEO loadout with the addition of the SMG(MP5), Advanced Rifle(TAR-21) and Marksman Rifle (M1A) to be stored in the BearCat or station Armory for use.

  • Sound Suppressors are standard issue for long guns and should be used at all times when breaching an interior.

  • SMG is to be deployed in CQC environments where over penetration from a rifle is a concern and suspects are not wearing armor.

  • Marksman Rifle is to be deployed by qualified designated marksman should the situation need it or the team lead request it. (still has to be approved by scene command, if not already done). It is preferred that a uniformed officer on the perimeter do this, so SRT can use its full team to breach.

  • Bean Bag Shotgun is to be used when someone is out of range of the taser, and or in an area where tasing would be dangerous. (Reference the bean bag shotgun section of the LEO training guide.)

EVOC Course with BearCat

  • Ensure they drive in a speedy, but safe manner.

  • One Trainer leads, the other tails.

  • The first part starts at Vespucci station lower parking lot, and ends at the cross West Galileo Ave. and Mt. Vinewood Dr.

  • Then goes from the cross West Galileo Ave. and Mt. Vinewood Dr. to the front door of the O’Neil Farm. Safe and fast.

  • Same rules apply from other EVOC’s: No repairing during, any damage outside of desync, or AI nonsense will cause you to fail. They will have two opportunities. If they fail both, they have to wait till the next training, or when the next trainer is able to do so.

Perimeter, breaching, takedowns, and crowd control

  • Control Zones and sectors.

    • They are similar in nature, however there are only as many sectors as there are sides to the building, or access routes to an area. But there can be many control zones to a sector. ( A person controlling sector A has the front door to cover, along with windows on the first floor, and second floor. So sector A has three control zones. Now in the case of a Fleeca Bank, where glass windows are next to a door, where minimum movement is needed to react if something comes into view counts as one control zone.) This changes as needed per situation.

    • Now, what is important about the above is the fact they recognize that they are separate entities. If someone with a gun would show up at one of the windows, they can’t just call out sector A. They need to call out “Gunman Sector A, left ground floor window.” This gives an exact location of the threat.

  • Environment awareness.

    • Use the environment to your advantage, both natural and manmade.

    • Remember that it works both ways. (good guys and bad)

    • Be aware, 360 awareness.

  • Perimeter Tactics and Practices.

    • Should have the high ground and/or hardcover when possible.

    • Units on perimeter should be stationed on the corners of the building, in a way that gives them maximum visibility.

      • They should have a direct line of sight of two officers at all times.

    • They need to call out any signs of movement, or activity.

    • Hold position, observe and report.

    • Ensure that anything that could be used to increase the success of the bad guys is handled accordingly.

    • Rules of engagement apply.

  • Breaching Tactics, and terms.

  • Predetermine a common defensible position if something goes wrong, if communications are lost, or split up to meet up, and continue as a team.

  • Stay together.

  • Slow is fast, fast is dead.

  • Breaching practice at O’Neil farm.

    • Use the above information to do this.

    • Make sure they show understanding, and don’t be afraid to throw a reasonable curve ball.

  • Vehicle takedown.

    • It is highly useful to ID hostiles and innocents

    • If the Driver is known as hostile, and the likelihood of grievous bodily harm, or death is imminent to the public or any innocent, then the safest option is to neutralize the driver. If there is any doubt however, the only option is box in and use vehicles as hard cover while issuing commands at gunpoint.

    • If you are able to box them in to an area do so, so that CIU or another officer can negotiate. This is an opportunity to gather intel for the above reasons.

    • Speed and shock and awe are you friends

    • This is highly risky and to be used as a last resort.

Riot and crowd control support.

    • Normal LEO take primary, and make up the bulk of the crowd control. We as SRT are there to provide support on arresting dangerous persons, tear gas use, or in extreme cases use of deadly force.

    • For crowd control, you are just there for presence; no weapons in hand, no aggression towards protesters or the public. Politely engage, and converse with them, or be a statue.

    • The goal is to keep it controlled to the smallest area possible. Then to systemically arrest small groups, from the larger group.

    • All attempts to resolve the situation, as peacefully should be taken before escalation.

    • Use a flexible line strategy to control the crowd with shields, give and take ground as needed as long as you don’t lose containment.

    • When a target of opportunity presents itself (Riot leader, or agitator) comes close to the line, order an “open line” so that you may pass and grab them. Then retreat back behind the line. The line will close ranks after you pass back. Rinse and repeat as needed.

    • Use of tear gas is to be only used when the above tactics will not work or it is too dangerous. The scene command must give the order to deploy tear gas.

Marksman - Advanced

  • Deploy ONLY when requested by scene command or SRT team lead.

  • Let marked units handle when possible.

  • Target acquisition and identification

  • When to shoot and when NOT to shoot

  • Primary goal is to act as recon and overwatch for entry team / perimeter officers

  • Observe and report

  • Marksmanship / Accuracy requirements

  • All rules, policies, and guidelines from the Marksman SOP apply.

Marksman SOP:<Insert Link>

Air Deployment - Advanced

  • Basic Safety

  • Reference ASU SOP if needed

  • How to use the fast rope.

    • Hold X

  • Where to report for set up.

    • PD stations

  • Refuel points (you are required to refuel at regular points).

  • Hazards to watch out for when deploying a team.

    • Tall obstacles, wires, ect.

  • Can deploy teams in the downtown area, however this must be approved by a supervisor. To be done as a last option only.

    • Not at high speeds, slow maneuvering only.

  • Run a few Practice runs, with increased difficulty, so they understand, and feel comfortable.

  • Snipers Nest - Can only be used when a supervisor or scene command call for it.

    • The aircraft must be in a stable hover

    • The marksman can only take a shot if there is immediate danger to life.

    • You must have a clear, unobstructed shot, that minimizes risk to innoicents.

    • This can’t be done in bad weather. Sunny and/or clear only.

Last updated