Training Guide - Gang Unit


  • Review SOP

  • Ask for any questions

Uniforms , Loadouts, Vehicles

  • Check uniforms, ensure proper tools, vests, appropriate clothing

  • Ensure the knowledge of the combat knife being last resort only or as a tool

  • Ensure the knowledge that they carry “zip-ties”

  • Go over the 2 vehicles, required lights, window tint, etc.

AOP and Role

  • Go over GU’s AOPs

  • Go over the role and what they are permitted to do (everything a normal officer can do, but should focus on gang related activities)

Traffic Stops and Pursuit Policies

  • Go over traffic stop rule (required to call for a marked unit as an additional, once called for can continue with stop as normal)

  • Ensure knowledge of positions dependant on vehicle (Charger can be primary, Van can be tertiary)

  • Highlight the need to be very careful when setting roadblocks with GU vehicles as there is limited side lighting

Known Gang Identification

  • Gang identification is a major part of GU’s role, therefore officers should be able to Identify them

  • Refer trainees to list on SOP

    • Vagos (yellow)

    • Ballas (purple)

    • Families (Green)

    • Aztecs (blue)

    • Korean Gangs

    • Lost MC

Awareness Training

  • Have the trainees sit in a gang area and have them identify gang members, possibly wearing colours etc.

  • Have them driving around patrolling a gang area and try to follow them and see if they can identify it

  • Have them dealing with a person while another gang member sneaks up armed

Surveillance Training

  • Show the trainees how to hide their vehicle (alleyway, parking lot, etc.) (not sitting in the cul de sac they are trying to surveil

  • Using buildings, roof tops, public areas, etc. to their advantage

One Drive

  • Only for those who passed

  • Explain POIs and Cases

  • POIs (optional) for anyone to add things to (show example)

  • Cases for detectives

Last updated