SOP - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
CVE Mission
To ensure that all commercial vehicles on San Andreas roadways are operated safely and legally, and well maintained, to protect the citizens of San Andreas and the company assets for our commercial motor operators.
Rank Structure
TA Commander
Senior TA Officer
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer
Transit Police Officer
CVE Recruitment
To move into CVE you must have been a Transit Police Officer for at least 30 days after being trained, be active in the subdivision, and be in good standing with the Transit Authority, and Chaos Gaming Network and not have any points on your record.
CVE Tasks
As part of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (CVE), it is our responsibility to ensure that all commercial vehicles operating on our roadways are legally operable, that their drivers have proper documentation, proper records of their cargo, drive hours, and well maintained maintenance records. We are also to ensure public transit services such as Bus Transportation, Taxi Cabs, etc… are also maintained properly and are safely operating on our roadways.
Some of our tasks include, but not limited to, Accident Investigation, Roadside Inspections of CV’s, Verifying DOT hours when able to do so, as well as education of Commercial Vehicle Operations.
Going on duty as CVE
Though CVE is primarily based out of Vespucci Station (LSPD Level) you can go on duty at any station. Make sure you add a “C” designation to your name (i.e. Juniper W. 891-C).
CVE Jurisdiction
CVE has jurisdiction across the entirety of the state of San Andreas.
CVE Uniforms
CVE uses the Transit Authority Uniform Structure, which can be found
CVE Ride-a-Long Policy
The CVE ride-a-long policy is covered in the TA SOP located
CV Inspections
CVE is responsible for roadside Commercial Vehicle (CV) inspections. A CVE Officer is allowed to stop any commercial vehicle to do a roadside inspection regardless of whether there is probable cause for a regular traffic stop.
Commercial Vehicles for CV Inspections include but are not limited to, Public Transit Buses, Tractor Trailers (whether hauling a box trailer, flatbed trailer, car trailer or hazmat trailer), box trucks, or any other vehicle that is deemed a commercial vehicle by requiring a CDL to legally operate said vehicle.
For a cheat sheet click
Hazmat Vehicle Inspections
Hazmat Vehicles fall under special guidelines to operate on the streets of San Andreas, each commercial operator of a hazmat vehicle MUST have a valid CDL, medical certification, cargo list of what is being transported, and the trailer MUST have placards on it with the hazmat’s material code (i.e. 1993 would be diesel fuel.)
Keep in mind that while inspecting a hazmat vehicle, if you discover any leaks you will want to call for a fire response.
For a list of hazmat codes and descriptions click
Accident Investigations
As part of CVE, it is our responsibility to investigate accidents involving commercial vehicles. TEU may provide mutual aid in these circumstances as well and should be called if there is another vehicle involved that isn’t a commercial vehicle. When you investigate an accident involving a commercial vehicle, please make sure you fill out the linked accident report form below within 24 hours of the investigation.
Commercial Vehicle Accident Investigation Form
CVE Pursuit Involvement
CVE is allowed to take primary in a vehicle pursuit involving a commercial vehicle HOWEVER only one CVE officer may be involved with a pursuit at a given time. If two CVE officers are on a traffic stop, and the vehicle takes off, both units may pursue but whoever was secondary on the traffic stop MUST break off upon other units joining the pursuit.
During a pursuit, officers may choose to spike large vehicles to bring a CV pursuit to a close under conditions that it is at low speed, and in a safe location. Officers should be prepared for any fallout for if there is Hazmat in the vehicle. If Hazmat is known to be in the vehicle, spikes should be a last resort.
Vehicle Structure
We use the same vehicle structure under the Transit Authority SOP
Last updated